Harmony Cloud professional tools

| 6th February 2017

Harmony Cloud from Synel Mll Pay Way with the professional manager tools.

Harmony Cloud the workforce management solution for small to medium companies, the cloud solution providing many useful tolls for Finance, HR and department managers.

The manager Harmony Cloud front panel display all the data that the manager may need to know and with the professional tools also presenting the time tracking for project costing and total time or missing time in real time.


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DashBoard Pie

Harmony Cloud front panel designed for Managers that would like to be a professionals and be updated with the most important data that every manager should be aware and that the time that they spend at each project and working time that the department worked in each part.

The front panel may be modified and changed according to the manager needs.

Harmony Cloud front panel can be modified for group of managers or individual and will present the manager required time summery pie and tables

 Hour’s distribution:

Let the manage watch his department / company, total worked time and total absence

Request Distribution

Let the manager see how many Pending employees request against the request he already Approved / Denied

Standard Vs. actual work time for manager.

One of the important tool that view the total group working time, this toll is very powerful and give the manager information about his employees how many time they worked against the time expected work time. Red side bellow the expected working time, at the green side more then expected.

Projects totals for manager.

Very important toll for managers and departments that reporting Projects, this simple pie let the manager watching the time his group worked at each project


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