
Welcome to the blog page of Synel! You can read the latest news about everything that is related to our company.

Computer Shut Down
Computer Shut Down Module
| 3rd November 2015

SYNEL Computer Shut Down Module – Workforce Management System To learn more about Remote shutdown…

Terminal Management Software
| 2nd November 2015

Synel’s Terminal Management Software is a service software used for facilitating, monitoring and controlling the…

SY Terminal
| 1st November 2015

Synel MLL PayWay – SY terminal recording the employee’s clock-in & clock-out records SY terminal support…

Remote shutdown
| 28th October 2015

Remote shutting down your employee’s pc stations computer is possible from the convenience of your…

Employee Scheduling Software
| 27th October 2015

Must of the managers know how much time it takes to maintain Employee scheduling. In…

Online attendance system
| 26th October 2015

Online attendance system The advantages of Syntel’s Harmony software, Online attendance system that in any…

Harmony Visitors module
| 25th October 2015

Harmony Visitors module Preparation for planned visits and on-line guests search, visitors Access and security…

e-harmony – Attendance App
| 22nd October 2015

Recently attendance App become very popular and there are many type of applications available in…

Face Recognition Access Control & Attendance System
| 21st October 2015

The human face plays an important role in our social interaction, conveying people’s identity.

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