
Welcome to the blog page of Synel! You can read the latest news about everything that is related to our company.

Linux metal case terminal
| 10th May 2017

Mr. Erez Buganim, Synel International Marketing Vice President, said that Synergy Metal is a unique…

open gate and door with mobile application
| 8th May 2017

Mr. Erez Buganim, Synel International Marketing Vice President, said that Synel the developer of Harmony…

Harmony Cloud with telephone reporting
| 7th May 2017

Mr. Erez Buganim, Synel International Marketing Vice President, said that Synel the Harmony and Harmony…

cloud base cost center
| 4th May 2017

VP of Synel Mall Payway LTD. Mr. Erez Buganim, says that Harmony cloud with the…

Harmony Smart attendance application
| 3rd May 2017

Harmony Smart application is one of the important modules in the Harmony Cloud software,

Workforce system and technology
| 30th April 2017

In the resent years the technology improved the workforce management systems for effective and more…

Contact less reader with keypad
| 26th April 2017

SYNEL contact less proximity reader PRX70 with keypad, the reader is an ABA (14 &…

The benefits of workforce system
| 25th April 2017

Today more then 93% of the organizations using any type of SAAS, cloud solutions.

biometric time and attendance systems
workforce Business Engagement
| 24th April 2017

One of the important value of the workforce management is the system Engagement flexibility. IN…

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